iiSBE Italia R&D is a company established to provide iiSBE Italia Association with technical and operative support on research and development activities at national and international level.
iiSBE Italia Association is the Italian national Chapter of iiSBE (International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment), a nonprofit association whose overall aim is to facilitate and promote the adoption of policies, methods and tools to accelerate the movement towards a global sustainable built environment.
iiSBE Italia R&D is made up by a team of professionals, mainly architects and building engineers and is located in Turin at the ENERGY CENTER, the pole of innovation in the energy field.
Disponibile ora nella sezione “news” il bando di gara per l’affidamento dello sviluppo di una piattaforma WEB finalizzata alla valutazione della capacità di adattamento di territori e insediamenti urbani agli effetti del cambiamento climatico, al fine di fornire alle amministrazioni locali strumenti di supporto alla pianificazione territoriale e urbanistica.
Available now in the “news” section the call for tender to assign the development of a WEB platform designed to assess the adaptability of territories and urban settlements to the effects of climate change, in order to provide local administrations with tools to support territorial and urban planning.
Disponible dans la section “nouvelles” l’appel d’offres pour l’attribution du développement d’une plateforme WEB visant à évaluer la capacité à adapter les territoires et les agglomérations urbaines aux effets du changement climatique.
Disponibile qui / Available here http://iisbe-rd.it/news/